Monday, May 28, 2007

That Will Do, Giant Pig. That will do.

Jamison Stone has killed an animal far bigger than what most of us will see outside of a zoo or a farm. Master Stone, at 11 years old, seems pretty sure of that: "I probably won't ever kill anything else that big."

The animal in question is one big honking big wild boar. The boar in question was over 9 feet long, and over 1050 pounds. More staggering measurements, from the taxidermist charged with working on this beast: "the animal measured 54 inches around the head, 74 inches around the shoulders and 11 inches from the eyes to the end of its snout." Jamison's dad is hoping to get anywhere from 500 to 700 pounds of sausage from the damn thing.

When reached for comment, Danny Rich asked, "They got pigs out there that big?"*

*Yes, that was a joke based on Anaconda. You're welcome.

1 comment:

Art Science Reseasrch Laboratory said...

At Art Science Research Lab, we are responsible for the publication of several media ethics blogs, and Earlier today, we published our analysis of this story and photograph, which ran on the AP, Fox News, ABC, CBS, and CNN. These photos are obvious fakes, as our in-house photo experts and an NYU physicist attest. The boy and his father were scheduled to appear on NBC’s Today Show today, until we exposed the hoax and presented our evidence to NBC. For the full story, check out