Friday, May 01, 2009

Legion of Doom Update: Lawrence Phillips

The former #6 pick in the 1997 draft, RB Lawrence Phillips was nominated for the Legion of Doom due to his violence toward women. As a fugitive, he was featured on America's Most Wanted. He is currently serving ten years for trying to run over three teenagers in Los Angeles.

But wait, there's more! On Wednesday, a San Diego judge has ruled that Philips must stand trial for eight felony charges from two assault cases. He faces a maximum penalty of another twenty-five years.

In the Legion of Doom, many villains achieved notoriety for the wounds they have inflicted on others. Lawrence Phillips is arguably the most self-destructive athlete of the modern era. As soon as he gets out of prison, he will be employed in the Legion of Doom's kitchen, beating eggs. Because, you see, he really hates chicks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More than that dude Clarett from THE Ohio State?