Tuesday, August 17, 2010

RIP, Bobby Thomson

It's a shame his death and his achievements are likely to be overshadowed by the Most Wafflin' QB ever, because Bobby Thomson's importance to baseball is hard to overstate.  Not because of a great career,  though certainly, he had a very good career--one that many ball players would kill to  (3 Time All Star, career .270, etc)

He was also the deciding factor in a pennant race that meant the world to baseball.  And still does.  How many home runs in baseball history have an instantly recognized nickname like Bobby's "Shot Heard Round the World?"  New York Times is as good as a place as any to read about Thomson.  So go do it.

Also, if you want, the ball Thomson hit features large in one of the best novels I've read, Underworld by Don DeLillo.  You should read that, too.

1 comment:

Andrew Wice said...

That opening sequence in Underworld, sneaking into the stadium, is good molten stuff.

But is it necessary to shill for Amazon? Seriously, they're doing fine without it. There's other options for buying books, even on the interweb.