Monday, April 23, 2012

Sid Hartman Honored in Stadium Bill Amendment Form

I have no idea how I'm just hearing about this today, when it was getting reported by some folks locally a few days ago. The first photo I've seen of the amendment on the page comes from Jeff Anderson of the Vikings (who has presumably been spending a lot of time at the Capitol).

But Senator Ken Kelash deserves some sort of extra credit for proposing a hilarious amendment that establishes fees for press passes, singling out one special subsection of the press:

 "Passes for any person over the age of 90, who has been been inducted into a sports Hall of Fame require an additional $100,000 surcharge to cover additional food consumption, napkins, and ear plugs (for other media memebers)...All proceeds from the passes..shall be given to the University of Minnesota Foundation. Fifty percent of these funds shall go to the school of journalism to be used on classes focusing on ethical and respectful reporting on legislation, legislators and all elected officials. The remaining 50 percent shall be donated to the University Women's Athletic Program."

1 comment:

Petey said...

That's super awesome