Wednesday, February 07, 2007

USA! USA! USA! vs. Mexico

Thomas Hobbes, in his landmark Leviathan, wrote that individuals living without a structure that keeps them from struggling directly with one another would soon find themselves in a world "full of continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. "

As far as I know, Hobbes wasn't discussing a Friendly between USA and Mexico, but he may as well have been. Said friendly will be on the Deuce tonight, the first half will be nicely sandwiched between Friday Night Lights and the return of Lost. Satisfy your hunger for ugly, violent, brutish soccer.


ynba said...

You watch Friday Night Lights? My reciprocal blog-crush deepens. (Sadly, I'll be watchin Duke/UNC instead of the "friendly," but I'm recording it. Watching one game and recording another -- apparently I am That Girl.

ynba said...

I am also the girl who can't close her parentheses. Sorry about that.

L said...

Stupid late night labs, I'm going to miss this one. I expect full reports in the morning. Personally I'm looking forward to the next 2 games in March when we will have full rosters including the Deuce

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L said...

Why couldn't Landon have played balls like that in the cup?

Jerious Norwood said...

I think those nasty Germans were probably making fun of his hairline.