Friday, August 24, 2007

Just in the Nippon Time



Big Blue Monkey said...

pure nightmare fuel. Good lord.

Jess said...

That poor ... thing? Looked like he was straining a bit with the poo. His parents need to tell him to just relax and let it come naturally.

Spinch said...

Dear sweet lord. I'm never going to be able to get this out of my head.

Andrew Wice said...

My little brother, who is teaching English in Japan, showed me the little instruction cartoon they use to show the kids how to use the urinal in school.

They have a kid standing two feet away, and pissing all over the floor, with a red slash through him: NO!

They have a kid leaning into the urinal, with the piss splashing back all over him, with a red slash: NO!

Finally, a kid standing at the proper distance, pissing safely and without a red slash: YES!

Can you believe we lost WW II to these freaks?

Muumuuman said...

I never knew poo was "happy" to be flushed down the toilet. Also, that young lad should see a doctor of some sort if his pee is so insoluable it remains a suspension in the water...wait...was that pee???

Andrew Wice said...

Poo is definitely happy to be flushed down the toilet. Haven't you seen the expression on the faces of your Detroit Lions by December? They're just waiting for the big silver handle in the sky...